February 24, 2020

A Return to Justice Means Electing an Independent Judge From San Diego - Steve Miller
February 24, 2020 at 8:00 AM
by Steve Miller For Judge
independant judge san diego

Where does a victim go to find justice? When crime strikes, especially against our most vulnerable, who can they trust to hear their pleas?

They have every right to expect fair and impartial justice when they step into our courtrooms.

Far too often, however, they feel unheard, ignored, and even manipulated by the system. Our adversarial system of justice is the finest in the world, but it only works for the good when it has dedicated and experienced individuals serving as judges.

Steve Miller will bring a lifetime of hard work and knowledge to the bench to work for all who step into his courtroom.

How Steve Miller Will Return Our Courts to Justice

Fairness and a commitment to justice require more than just dedication. True fairness comes from judges with decades of experience and actual common sense behind their perspective. 

Understanding the law, crime, and human nature elevates Steve Miller to the top of the pack seeking this vital seat. 

Where Steve Miller Came From

As a federal prosecutor, Steve handled over 100 appeals. His work contributed to over a dozen important judicial opinions on the law.

Also, he did not just practice the law, but trained others in how to advocate for it fairly and honestly. Steve served as an instructor of trial advocacy for the National College of District Attorneys. 

While a prosecutor, Steve also helped to protect our communities by serving in a special role prosecuting the most violent re-offenders. 

Where He Will Go As An Independent Judge In San Diego

For Steve Miller, there are no “big” or “little” cases. Each issue brought before him involves human beings, often on the worst day of their lives. What too many lawyers and judges see as a “little” case often involves situations that make or break individuals and their families. 

By applying compassionate common sense combined with decades of experience, Steve will see that they get their fair hearing before the bench. 

Reach Out For More Information

Voting for a judicial candidate is different than electing a county commissioner, a state legislator, or even a congress member. 

You may never feel or directly see the impact that Steve’s experience and commitment to fairness bring to the community. Not many voters have to face walking into a courtroom very often in their lives.

That said, you can rest assured that all who enter his courtroom will get a fair shake in their pursuit of justice. Others who respect Steve’s experience and abilities include:

  • La Mesa Police Officers’ Association
  • Filipino-American Chamber of Commerce
  • National Organization of Women
  • And a long list of local judges and lawyers who have seen Steve Miller’s dedication to the community and its safety

Steve invites your calls and messages concerning his journey toward becoming an independent judge in San Diego and bringing justice to the bench. Communication and transparency is the key to trusting the candidate that you support for the bench.

Support Steve's Quest For Justice In Our Court System

Steve also welcomes any support that you can offer. If you can spend some time making phone calls, putting up signs, or even through monetary donations, Steve will appreciate your support for his effort to bring justice and credibility to our courts.